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HONDA XL75 Motorcycle 1978 - 79 Era Lever Handle And Left Switch Housing Used
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Condition: Used
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*ITEM: HONDA XL75 Motorcycle 1978 - 79 Era Lever Handle And Left Switch Housing Used
*MANUFACTURER: Honda. The only marking is: Made In Japan.
*YEAR: This switch housing fits 2 models of the XL75 produced in 1978 and 1979.
*MATERIAL: Aluminum
*HANDLE BAR DIA.: Approx. 7/8"
*MANUFACTURER: Honda. The only marking is: Made In Japan.
*YEAR: This switch housing fits 2 models of the XL75 produced in 1978 and 1979.
*MATERIAL: Aluminum
*HANDLE BAR DIA.: Approx. 7/8"